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Model Fucius unveiled!
23 May 2012
Yet again he hosted the event in his own home indulging us to the pinnacle of French hospitality. From the 5-course lunch of sea bass to the opulent aperitif which included a terrine made of a wild boar he had shot himself. (I do apologise. But when one does business with the French it is impossible to avoid the topic of food!) The impressive congregation included many “names” in advanced technology as well as a few “players” in the world of high finance. The morning was spent looking over the plans for Quantum leap. Tight technology!”
I was highly impressed by the elegance of Clara’s concept. She has fulfilled all the criteria while “staying within the lines”. Although the boat appears to be high tech, the installations, form and construction are all quite simple. Having grown up in the Pacific on a wharrum catamaran, Clara has an intimate comprehension of the realities of long-haul transportation. “ You certainly don’t want to be hanging off the coast of Senegal with a broken boat you wouldn’t be able to repair even if you did get into harbour. Next stage, hard reality.

Now that we’ve got the pictures, how do we get the boat?